Sunday, May 24, 2015

June 27, 2005 un año en la mision!!!

un año en la mision!!!  Hey everyone  June 27, 2005

Well this week we have had a lot of success. We have been getting quite a few golden references from our members. We are working with this one family that will be getting baptized this Saturday. Well they are 2 sisters and the member that gave us the reference is also their sister, so we are working on finishing off the family.
We have another family of 3 that will be baptized the next Saturday. So this family came to church last week with some of our new converts and later that day we taught them the first lesson and when we invited them to read and pray they said that they already had a Book of Mormon and that they’ve already read, prayed and they know its true. So that kinda threw us off, in a good kind of way. Our next visit with them we taught about the atonement and set a baptismal date or July 2nd, they all accepted. On Saturday we asked them I f they were all excited for their baptism. They said yes. Then the mom asked if we could push the baptism back one week. So we told her that we could but asked her why. She told us that when she starts to read a book it takes her 15 days to read it and he wants to finish the Book of Mormon before her baptism. I told her that that was a great goal but that she shouldn’t put off getting baptized for that, cause when people but there baptism off for something, something else will come up, and they will want to do it again, and again. So she agreed that she should get baptized on the 2nd of July. Well yesterday they didn’t come to church. They had a good-enough excuse but one to the rules in our mission is that the investigators have to go to church at least 2 times before they can get baptized. So we will have to but there baptismal date off for the next Saturday. But I guess she will be able to finish the BOM before her baptism. So that’s awesome.
Well im doing great out here. I love the work. I pray for you all every night.

With lots and lots of love

Elder Jarom Brand

PS this Thursday will be my Year mark in the mission!!!!!! crazy

Pss. Mom I have finished up my journal and I am now using the best journal substitute I can find, a spiral notebook. Just so ya know

Psss. Oh I got the Easter package yesterday. Thanks a ton. Nothin quite like real chocolate.

Brooklyn me pidió que yo le escribiera  en español. Entonces lo haré.
aquí todo esta bien. ¿Y tú, Como estás ñaña? Estamos trabajando como locos y disfrutando cada lunes cuando podemos vagar un poco. Te quiero mucho
Saludos a todos

Con amor

Tú ñaño


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