Sunday, May 24, 2015

June 20, 2005 change day

To my dear Elders in the field,                           June 20, 2005

Yesterday was Father's Day and Aubrey's 15th birthday. We woke up
early and made crepes filled with yogurt, straberries and bananas with
a side of scrambled eggs for breakfast. For our Father's Day dinner we
had a pot roast, potatoes and gravy, a broccoli, bacon and cauliflower
salad and cheesecake for dessert. I did think about you two and
wondered what kind of meal you were eating.
Brittney gave Dad a royal treatment foot rub complete with wax dipping.
We had a really nice day. Hannah gave a talk about the youth
conference that they had just attended. At the end of their youth
conference they had a paint fight at the church so I went and took
pictures of it. The girls all had a great time.
I think I told you that Danika got a job at Macey's. She loves it
there. As soon as she can afford it she wants to move to some
apartments close to UVSC so she can attend there in the fall.
Dad just left this morning at 6:00 a.m. for another road trip to
promote their stone business. They are going to Colorado. I told Dad
to take pictures of our old house there.
We pray for your success. We all love you both very much and are proud
of your hard work. I love you!
Love, Mom

June 20, 2005
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday Dear
Jarom! Happy Birthday to you!
Hey, I sent you a package several weeks ago. Did you ever get it? I
believe it has chocolate in it so hopefully, you will get it in one
piece. Dad also sent the Easter package about the same time. So, be on
the look out for 2 packages! I love you Jarom and I'm really proud of
you. I can't believe that you are coming up on a year out. This next
year will fly. Your days as a missionary are numbered. Now you will
have only one more of everything. One more Christmas, one more new
year, one more Mother's Day call, one more year. When it's all over it
will seem like a dream. Make every moment count. Show the people there
how much you love them by being kind, patient and loving. Treat them
as the Savior would treat them. He loves them so much and loves you
for bring His children home to Him. You're awesome! I love you!


hey every one  June 20, 2005 change day

well today was changes and not much changed. im still in the same sector with the same comp. elder anderson. one of the elders im my house was changed. that was kinda sad. he was a cool guy.
well this past week we had 2 baptism. one on thursday. Doris Cedeño. and the other was Mario Gorotiza. hes a 17 kid we´ve been working with for the last 3 months. hes kind of a punk, but he finally did it. his baptism was on saturday.
we were able to go to the temple on wednesday. that was really good. President Smock said his good byes there. in one week we will be getting a new president. so that should be cool.
well not to much more is going on around here. we are working with a few cool people so we hope to have a few more baptism here soon.
oh on sunday some of my converts brought a lady with her 3 kids to church. later that night we went to that members house to teach the lady. we taught the first lesson and invited her to read the book of mormon and to pray about it. she told us that she already had a book of mormon and that she already knew it was true. wow that doesnt happen every day. were we get a reference thats already gone to church, has the book of mormon and knows its true. so ive got high hopes for her.

well i love you all

love Elder Jarom Brand

June 22, 2005
Yesterday was Jarom's 20th birthday so Brittney made a cake and we
sang Happy Birthday!
I'm home alone with the little boys. Dad is out of town with Tom
Harris on business. The girls are at girls camp. Except for Danika who
has to work every day at Macey's. It's a good thing that she likes it
there. She has to work 8 hours every day. She gets a paid half hour
lunch break every day. She really likes that. There are several hot
guys there too. That doesn't hurt, either.
Katelyn has had to come home every day from camp to go to Drill team practice.
So, the boys and I go swimming, out to ice-cream and generally hang
out doing whaterver we want.
Trevor Back got his mission call today. They haven't opened it yet
because he's still at work. I'm guessing Bolivia. And no, Duane didn't
tell me.
Danika backed into a car of one of the school moms yesterday.
Hopefully, it won't cost too much.
We are thinking about recarpeting Hannah's room which is the pee room.
That means we will have to also rename the room.
It's raining right now. We have had so much snow and rain that snow
pack is way above normal. We are now out of the drought. There is a
stream that runs down the middle of the street in Pleasant Grove
because of the excess water.
You won't recognize the face of American Fork High School. It's
looking really good. I took Katelyn to get her senior pictures. Can
you believe that she's going to be a senior this fall?
I love you boys! I pray for you all the time. I'm so glad that you are
willing and worthy to serve as missionaries. What a blessing you are
to our family!

Love, Mom

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