Sunday, May 24, 2015

July 1, 2005

Hi Jarom,                                    July 1, 2005

I sent a journal in your birthday package. Have you received it yet?
Let me know when you get it. I cannot believe that Bruce will get home
in 5 1/2 months! The time is going by so fast.
Next Sunday is Katelyn's 17th birthday. She is taking driver's Ed.
finally. If you get a chance send her a happy birthday email. She
would love it!
We love hearing about the families you are teaching. It sounds like
you are having a lot of success. I'm so proud of you. I love you!
Love, Mom

Dear Jarom and Bruce,                                          July 1, 2005

Katelyn turns 17 next Sunday. If you get a chance write her a quick
birthday email. She would love that. Aubrey is now 15! I can't believe
Dallin got a dental appliance to straighten his front teeth. Aubrey
just got braces to close the gap between her two front teeth. She
looks really cute.  Hannah will get her braces next Thursday to close
the gap between her two front teeth. It cost us about $8,000 in all.
About the price to send a missionary out!
Tomorrow is July 2nd. We will meet the Lee's and Brittney and Duane,
Shawna and Mike, Emery and Renee Calkins and family and Bob & Lisa
McFadden at BYU to picnic and watch the 4th of July fireworks at the
Stadium of Fire. They are holding it on Saturday because most people
don't like to celebrate a Holiday and then have to get up early the
next day for work.
Danika has been seeing a guy named Jon from her work at Macey's. He's
23, returned missionary. He seems to be a good guy. John Bell told
Katelyn that they needed to cool it so he could focus on preparing for
his mission. Katelyn was pretty sad. She really likes him. He got his
mission call to Brazil.
Do you use the Preach My Gospel manual in your missions? The bishopric
asked the families in our ward to purchase one for each member of the
family. I've loved it so far.
I'm so proud of you both. We love hearing about the families that you
are teaching. I wish that I could meet them.
I love my calling in the primary. I feel like the Lord is really
blessing us. We are hoping that Dad will be able to get his business
off and running so that we can make a living from it.
Keep up your hard work!
Love, Mom

hey mom,  July 4, 2005
well i am sory for not having written so much this last little while.  we have had one thing after another come up but now i think that everything is tanquilo and we will be back to the same old writing thing.  well i am here in altagracia still.  this has been my favorite area.  i have baptized 3 super podo potential melquezideck priesthood holders and alot of other people.  in this area we have been blessed with alot of refrences.  we dont contact...ever.  all we do is teach refrences.  and we have had alot of success.  the people get baptized and stay in the shurch.  i will be really sad to leave this place.  this wednesday is the changes and i am sure that i am out.  it will be cool to go to a new area but sad to leave behind so many people.  i cant believe that my next area will probably be my last.  the time has gone by so fast.  i love the mission.  i am really greatful to you and to the family for having animated me to go.  if i hadnt gone to live with you guys i doubt i would have gone on the mission.  everyone always asked me if i would go and i said yes but i didnt really think about going.  this has been one of the biggest blessings in my life.  well take care,
love bruce

June 27, 2005 un año en la mision!!!

un año en la mision!!!  Hey everyone  June 27, 2005

Well this week we have had a lot of success. We have been getting quite a few golden references from our members. We are working with this one family that will be getting baptized this Saturday. Well they are 2 sisters and the member that gave us the reference is also their sister, so we are working on finishing off the family.
We have another family of 3 that will be baptized the next Saturday. So this family came to church last week with some of our new converts and later that day we taught them the first lesson and when we invited them to read and pray they said that they already had a Book of Mormon and that they’ve already read, prayed and they know its true. So that kinda threw us off, in a good kind of way. Our next visit with them we taught about the atonement and set a baptismal date or July 2nd, they all accepted. On Saturday we asked them I f they were all excited for their baptism. They said yes. Then the mom asked if we could push the baptism back one week. So we told her that we could but asked her why. She told us that when she starts to read a book it takes her 15 days to read it and he wants to finish the Book of Mormon before her baptism. I told her that that was a great goal but that she shouldn’t put off getting baptized for that, cause when people but there baptism off for something, something else will come up, and they will want to do it again, and again. So she agreed that she should get baptized on the 2nd of July. Well yesterday they didn’t come to church. They had a good-enough excuse but one to the rules in our mission is that the investigators have to go to church at least 2 times before they can get baptized. So we will have to but there baptismal date off for the next Saturday. But I guess she will be able to finish the BOM before her baptism. So that’s awesome.
Well im doing great out here. I love the work. I pray for you all every night.

With lots and lots of love

Elder Jarom Brand

PS this Thursday will be my Year mark in the mission!!!!!! crazy

Pss. Mom I have finished up my journal and I am now using the best journal substitute I can find, a spiral notebook. Just so ya know

Psss. Oh I got the Easter package yesterday. Thanks a ton. Nothin quite like real chocolate.

Brooklyn me pidió que yo le escribiera  en español. Entonces lo haré.
aquí todo esta bien. ¿Y tú, Como estás ñaña? Estamos trabajando como locos y disfrutando cada lunes cuando podemos vagar un poco. Te quiero mucho
Saludos a todos

Con amor

Tú ñaño


June 20, 2005 change day

To my dear Elders in the field,                           June 20, 2005

Yesterday was Father's Day and Aubrey's 15th birthday. We woke up
early and made crepes filled with yogurt, straberries and bananas with
a side of scrambled eggs for breakfast. For our Father's Day dinner we
had a pot roast, potatoes and gravy, a broccoli, bacon and cauliflower
salad and cheesecake for dessert. I did think about you two and
wondered what kind of meal you were eating.
Brittney gave Dad a royal treatment foot rub complete with wax dipping.
We had a really nice day. Hannah gave a talk about the youth
conference that they had just attended. At the end of their youth
conference they had a paint fight at the church so I went and took
pictures of it. The girls all had a great time.
I think I told you that Danika got a job at Macey's. She loves it
there. As soon as she can afford it she wants to move to some
apartments close to UVSC so she can attend there in the fall.
Dad just left this morning at 6:00 a.m. for another road trip to
promote their stone business. They are going to Colorado. I told Dad
to take pictures of our old house there.
We pray for your success. We all love you both very much and are proud
of your hard work. I love you!
Love, Mom

June 20, 2005
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday Dear
Jarom! Happy Birthday to you!
Hey, I sent you a package several weeks ago. Did you ever get it? I
believe it has chocolate in it so hopefully, you will get it in one
piece. Dad also sent the Easter package about the same time. So, be on
the look out for 2 packages! I love you Jarom and I'm really proud of
you. I can't believe that you are coming up on a year out. This next
year will fly. Your days as a missionary are numbered. Now you will
have only one more of everything. One more Christmas, one more new
year, one more Mother's Day call, one more year. When it's all over it
will seem like a dream. Make every moment count. Show the people there
how much you love them by being kind, patient and loving. Treat them
as the Savior would treat them. He loves them so much and loves you
for bring His children home to Him. You're awesome! I love you!


hey every one  June 20, 2005 change day

well today was changes and not much changed. im still in the same sector with the same comp. elder anderson. one of the elders im my house was changed. that was kinda sad. he was a cool guy.
well this past week we had 2 baptism. one on thursday. Doris Cedeño. and the other was Mario Gorotiza. hes a 17 kid we´ve been working with for the last 3 months. hes kind of a punk, but he finally did it. his baptism was on saturday.
we were able to go to the temple on wednesday. that was really good. President Smock said his good byes there. in one week we will be getting a new president. so that should be cool.
well not to much more is going on around here. we are working with a few cool people so we hope to have a few more baptism here soon.
oh on sunday some of my converts brought a lady with her 3 kids to church. later that night we went to that members house to teach the lady. we taught the first lesson and invited her to read the book of mormon and to pray about it. she told us that she already had a book of mormon and that she already knew it was true. wow that doesnt happen every day. were we get a reference thats already gone to church, has the book of mormon and knows its true. so ive got high hopes for her.

well i love you all

love Elder Jarom Brand

June 22, 2005
Yesterday was Jarom's 20th birthday so Brittney made a cake and we
sang Happy Birthday!
I'm home alone with the little boys. Dad is out of town with Tom
Harris on business. The girls are at girls camp. Except for Danika who
has to work every day at Macey's. It's a good thing that she likes it
there. She has to work 8 hours every day. She gets a paid half hour
lunch break every day. She really likes that. There are several hot
guys there too. That doesn't hurt, either.
Katelyn has had to come home every day from camp to go to Drill team practice.
So, the boys and I go swimming, out to ice-cream and generally hang
out doing whaterver we want.
Trevor Back got his mission call today. They haven't opened it yet
because he's still at work. I'm guessing Bolivia. And no, Duane didn't
tell me.
Danika backed into a car of one of the school moms yesterday.
Hopefully, it won't cost too much.
We are thinking about recarpeting Hannah's room which is the pee room.
That means we will have to also rename the room.
It's raining right now. We have had so much snow and rain that snow
pack is way above normal. We are now out of the drought. There is a
stream that runs down the middle of the street in Pleasant Grove
because of the excess water.
You won't recognize the face of American Fork High School. It's
looking really good. I took Katelyn to get her senior pictures. Can
you believe that she's going to be a senior this fall?
I love you boys! I pray for you all the time. I'm so glad that you are
willing and worthy to serve as missionaries. What a blessing you are
to our family!

Love, Mom

June 13, 2005

Hi Jarom and Bruce,                                               June 12, 2005

We had a great week. Danika got a job at Macey's. She had decided that
that was the job she wanted so she went in every day until she got her
interview and got hired. She works in the deli and gets $7.50/hour.
She's pretty excited about earning money again. She wants to save up
so she can move into an apartment near UVSC. She will start classes
there in the fall.
I took Aubrey, Hannah and Dallin in to an orthodontist to see if they
needed braces. Aubrey and Hannah have a gap between their 2 front
teeth. So, braces for them for a year, at least. Dallin has one front
tooth in front of his bottom teeth and the other front tooth behind
the bottom teeth. So, he will have an appliance that will push the one
tooth back in front of the bottom teeth. All of this to the tune of
about $7,000. It's a good thing we sold the house when we did!
Dad and Tom are going out of town again tomorrow and will be gone for
a week in Colorado to see about getting some stone distributors there.
We went to the wedding reception for Carissa Moore last night. She
married a really great guy.
Aubrey has been taking down the wall paper from upstairs and
texturing. She's almost ready to paint it all. I will be glad to get
our home back in order.
When our shower door shattered, Dad put up a make-shift shower curtain
using a huge tarp folded in fourths and then making tabs out of duct
tape so the tarp could be slid back and forth. I hope he doesn't think
this is going to be very permanent!
Carly is getting bigger and cuter every day. She is learning how fun
it is to blow raspberries.
Hannah and I went to a baby shower for Christina. She looks like she
is about to pop. When she does it will be a little boy.
I can't remember if I told you but Joe Livingston got reassigned to
another mission in California.
Danika has been playing the piano for us in senior primary every week.
She loves it but she's thinking about going to a singles ward pretty
soon. I can't believe she will turn 19 in October.
By the way, don't forget that Aubrey turns 15 next Sunday. If you get
a chance, write her a quick happy birthday note. She would love it.
Did I tell you that John Bell got his mission call to Brazil, Sao
Paulo mission? Now Katelyn will have 2 Brail missionaries.
Jordan has been gone for almost 2 weeks and Danika is surviving nicely!
We haven't seen Dave around for quite awhile. Is he still planning on a mission?
I love you both! We talk about you to everyone. People from the ward
and other friends always ask about you.
Keep working hard, your days are numbered. When you get back it all
will seem as a dream. Enjoy it as much as you can.
I love you!
Love, Mom

mommy   June 13, 2005

hey whats up? hey guess what we are both on the computer at the same time. isnt that cool. well it sounds like lots of fun over there.
$7,000!!!?!?!!!!?!?! wow! i could sure think of a funner way to spend $7,000.
well i havent heard much from dave myself but last i heard he was still planning on going on a mission.
so mom did you find out what kind of truck dad got? other than a "white one"
well we have changes in a week, and we are getting a new mission president. president smock is going home. well his new home, i hear, is in Utah, neighbors with Elder jeffery R. Holland, so thats kinda cool.
our new president is from Utah and will be here on the 26th. so that will be cool.
well i love you

love  your son

Hey Jarom,  June 13, 2005

Dad is going to send you a picture of the new white truck. I don't
know what more you need to know other than it is white. But, the pics
should be to you in a few minutes if you are still online.
Love, Mom

hey there  June 13, 2005

well this week has gone by and we have one week left in this change. im not sure if i will get changed or my comp or if we will stay together. im kinda hoping for some kind of change but we will see.
President smock goes home at the end of this month and President Reed will be our new pres. im kind of excited to see what that will be like.
well we have 2 baptisms planned for this week. one on thursday and the other on saturday. Doris Cedeño will be baptized on thursday, her birthday, and Mario Gorotiza on Saturday. so keep your fingers crossed and pray that both of these baptisms will go through.

well i love you all and pray for you always

love Elder Brand

June 6, 2005 hey all ya all

Dear Jarom & Bruce,                                     June 5, 2005

I will have to make this letter quick because our internet service is
down for the day so I'm borrowing Grandma's & Grandpa's computer.
The news for the week here is that Dad finally got home! He had a good
trip to St. George, Nevada and Arizona. They came home after 2 weeks
of traveling. They had a really good response.
The night before Dad got home I was watching a movie with the kids. At
about midnight Dallin was falling asleep when he went into a seizure.
I calmed him and put him on his side until it was over. We are going
to take him into the doctor to find out what is wrong. Please keep
Dallin in your prayers. We have done a lot of research online and
found that most children outgrow seizures.
I love you and I'm so proud of both of you. Keep up the hard work!
Love, Mom

Hi Jarom,                                        June 5, 2005

Dad finally sent off your Easter package and I sent a birthday package
off. Let me know when you get them.
Don't forget that Aubrey's birthday is not this coming Sunday but the
next. I will remind you next week.  If you get a chance write a quick
note of thanks to Hannah for her emails. I think she would love it.
I love you and we all love hearing from you. Keep up the good work and
the faith. Love, Mom 

hey  June 6, 2005

what up all. well im still here in ecuador. the week has been good. we found some cool people, kicked some people out of our program, it is getting cool in the mornings so im having to sleep with sheets on and with the fan off. so thats   awesome. i just passed my 11 month mark. thats crazy!!!
all is well here

i love you all and hope all is going well for everyone. i keep you all in my prayers


Elder Jarom Brand

May 29, 2005

Hi Jarom and Bruce,                                        May 29, 2005

Dad and Tom Harris loaded up Dad's old red truck with a stone display
that they had built and started out on a road trip to St. George,
Reno, Phoenix AZ, Colorado, etc. They made it as far as Las Vegas when
Dad's truck died. Dad put the truck into neutral when the tow truck
came to get it. Some how it slipped into gear and burned the heck out
of the transmission. So, his truck is now toast. Dad bought a 1998
white truck. Don't ask me what kind. It has an extended cab with
120,000 miles on it. He got it for $10,000. Hopefully, they can finish
the trip now. They have met with distributors who are excited about
their product. We are hoping for the best.
Taylor called Dad on his cell phone just to chat one day. He said, "Hi
Dad. What'cha doin"? Have you met any people who are members of the
church? Dad said, "Yes, probably" "Have you met any people who are not
members?" "Yes, I probably have." Taylor asked, "What did you say to
them?" Dad asked, "what do you think I should say?" Taylor said,
"repent and other stuff"
When we have scripture study in the morning the kids seem to sleep
through it all. Aubrey said that we could read the same scripture over
and over and they would never even notice. So, since Dad left last
Monday I have been reading the same 2 verses in Helaman. Helaman 3:34,
35. I love those 2 verses now. Aubrey finally noticed on Friday
because she had read the scriptures for us the day before. Now I've
still been reading them every day since and they still haven't
noticed. This does not bode well for our family!:> By the time Dad
gets back in a week or two we will see if they realize that we have
read the same 2 verses for weeks!
I went to your Dad's rebaptism on Wednesday, Bruce. It was an awesome
meeting. What really struck me the most was how wonderful Ali is! Ali
and Bruce's Dad got married in March of this year. I could tell that
Jessica and Emily and Adam and Nick all adored her. I could see it in
their faces and the way they interacted with her. Ali has a beautiful
singing voice and she sang a duet with Jessica and Emily. I think
everyone was crying. She seems to be an incredible person. I think you
will love her when you get home and meet her, Bruce. The baptism was
We moved Brittney and Duane to their new town home. It's a nice little
place. I think they paid around $140,000.
Church was really good today. Good talks. The choir sounded good.
I love you both. I'm so proud of you! Keep working hard!
Love, Mom

Hi Jarom,                                      May 29, 2005

I will find out from Dad about your bank account and let you know. Go
ahead and send your shoes back so that we can get them replaced for
you. I'm getting your birthday package ready to send off on Tuesday
since tomorrow is Memorial Day.
Do you print off our letters to you and yours to us? You should do
that if you can and then delete your emails. I have been printing many
of your letters. I am going to go through and print all of them. Do
you need Dad to purge your emails or can you do it? I'm really proud
of you, Jarom. The little boys pray for you every night. They ask for
a blessing that you will baptize lots of people and that you will
learn the language.
Now that we have sold the house it feels really good to be completely
out of debt. Never, ever get into debt except for a house, your
education and maybe an inexpensive car. Keep up the great missionary
work. I hope you are enjoying it!
Love, Mom

hey every one  May 30, 2005  Family Vaca

well this week the family vaca finally got married and on saturday baptized. thursday we were running around with our heads choped off trying to get them married. here in Ecuador if you want to get married you have go to a place called Registro Civil to do it, and well the one in the town im in was to busy to do it for us. so we called up about 7 or 8 other towns to see if one of the Registro Civils in one of those towns could do it. all but one said no. our last hope said yes. so we got it done.
yesterday the coolest thing happened. my comp and i were walking down the street and a car pulled over and the driver offered us a ride. so we got in. he and his wive started talking to us and basically asked us to come visit them. so i asked if we could stop by their house and share a quit message. they said yes. so we went to their house and met there 3 kids. the guy told us that they were Cathilic but that he didnt like it and that he always liked the Mormon church better. he asked if non members could go to our church meetings. we told him yes! he also told us that they are a family of 5 and that they should be happyer, and that there was something missing in their lives. so needless to say we jumped on that opportunity. we will see how things turn out with them.
we have a few other way cool families we are working with that i have high hopes for.

well i love you all


Elder Jarom Brand

May 23, 2005 Elder Anderson

hey every one

well im not quite sure if i told all you all, but i got a new comp. his name is Elder Anderson. hes from Washington. my first north american comp in about 8 months. so thats cool.
the ward we are working in is awesome. we get about 10 or more references a week that are generally really good. then the members come with us to the lessons with their references. im really enjoying the ward. i know now that ive said that, i will get changed to a branch out in the middle of a banana farm, where the members dont work at all and no one will want to listen to us, but what can ya do right.
hey Duane those pictures you sent wouldnt open for me. i dont know what was going on.

well all is well down here.
 i love you all


Elder Brand

May 23, 2005   Mommy and Daddy
hey! well i wrote you a big long email up it went away and i dont know were so i have to write again.
thats great that you closed on the house. at last!
dad good luck on your 3 state road trip. youll do great
im doing ok with $ for right now. but i do have a question. you said you put $20 in my account. well ive tryed to get it out but im not able to. i dont know if its cause im just dumb or if the money just isnt there. ive tryed both my saving and checking accounts but nothing. which one did you put it in?
hey my shoes are giving way. one pair has big ol holes in them and the other is well on its way. i was thinking about doing this. send the pair with holes home, you can take them back with the 2 year garentee that they have and get new ones and then send them back to me. then once the other pair give way we can do the same. tell me what you think.
i am having to delete my emails every so often, so i dont know if you want to save them for me or what but if you could delete and purge them all for me that would be great. it takes me a long time to do it and if i dont i wont be able to recive any more.

love ya both



May 22, 2005

Hi Jarom and Bruce,
 May 22, 2005

We've had a pretty exciting week what with closing on the other house,
paying off all of our debt, moving the rest of the garage stuff over
and going to Jordan Shettell's mission farewell today. He enters the
MTC on June 1st. Danika is going to have a rough time I am afraid.
Joe Livingston showed up at our door last Thursday. It turns out that
he suffered terrible asthma from all the pollution in California on
his mission. They sent him home to recuperate and possibly have
surgery on polyps that may have developed in his sinuses before they
send him back out to a different mission for his remaining 5 months.
He has not been released.  I asked him to come and give our family a
message. He came with his sister Andrea who returned from her mission
in January. They showed us a DVD and then we had peach cobbler. I
asked if he could get permission to teach some of our primary children
that are getting baptized this year. Some are from less active and
part member families. Bishop Back would like our missionaries to teach
the kids but the Utah mission president feels like the missionaries
are too busy teaching non members. So, this would work out great! Joe
also got called to work in the temple 3 or 4 days each week. His
sister, Andrea knew Jeremiah Davison on her mission in Indiana where
he was also serving as a missionary. Small world.
Dad and Tom leave on a road trip tomorrow. They will hit St. George,
Nevada, New Mexico and Colorado. They want to get distributors for
their stone. They made a huge panel of stone in the back of Dad's
truck that they will take around to show.
I love you boys. Listening to Joe give us his message made us all miss
you both. Keep up the great work. I know Heavenly Father loves you and
is blessing you and us as you serve.
Love, Mom

May 15, 2005 Happy Birthday!!!!!!!

Hi Jarom and Bruce,                                       May 15, 2005

I feel like every week I tell you that we are about to close and then
we don't. We are hoping that tomorrow we will have the money in the
bank from the closing. We are preparing for the worst and hoping for
the best.
Jordan has just a couple weeks and he goes into the MTC June 1st. This
is going to be really hard on Danika.
Katelyn is really smitten with John Bell. He has his papers in and
should probably get his call this next week. Nate Smith also writes
faithfully to her from his mission in Brazil. We keep teasing her that
she is going to have a missionary in every state in the union and
every country outside the states.
We just had Brother Alan Pehrson glue carpet down in the storage space
we made in the entry way of the school down stairs. Now we just have
to get the school storage stuff from our garage down there. We still
have a garage full over at the other place plus some odds and ends of
grandma's and grandpa's.
Dad will probably go with Tom Harris on a 4 state road trip to promote
their stone business. We are hoping that they can get the business
really going. They finally got their first shipment of stone in this
past week.
Dad says, "Life is good, work harder!"
We love you Jarom and Bruce. We couldn't be prouder! Keep up the good
work. I brag about both of you to everyone that asks.
Love, Mom

Hi Jarom,                              May 15, 2005

Duane and Brittney took Dad and me out to dinner for my birthday on
Saturday. It was nice. Danika and Derek came with us. They didn't buy
any dinner but shared what we had. It was a lot of fun. Derek is the
kid that Danika has been seeing quite a bit lately.
Well, I better hit the hay. I'm proud of you Jarom. I think you're the bomb! :>
Love, Mom

May 18, 2005 
 hey mommy its your bithday, well was you birthday.
> you are one year older and wiser now!
> im not sure if i did, but i ment to wish you a happy birthday when i called. oh tell duane i said happy birthday to him too.  well all is going well out here. i just got moved up to senior compaion, so thats pretty cool. now i have poderrrrrrr. my new comp is elder Anderson.
> well love you.
> love jarom

Hey Jarom and Bruce,
May 18, 2005

You probably have heard from everyone else that we actually, factually
and really and truly closed on the house! whew! It was really nice to
pay off all our credit card debt and our bills. Now Dad just has to be
successful in his stone business.
Tomorrow is the graduation for my preschool. I'm looking forward to a
little break. I will take a one week break and then we will start
Summer Kindermusik Camp. That will only be 3 days a week for 2 hours
each day. I can handle that. Sister Janet Muehlmann will work with me
during camp also. She has been a great help to me. The kids really
love her.
Well, I am dead tired. I better sign off. I will write more later if I
get a chance. We have to go over and move the garage stuff and a few
things from the house and then clean it from top to bottom. Now are
you glad you are a little busy or what!!?? Love you both!